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fashion exhibition Archives - KSA

Wystawa towarzysząca Cracow Fashion Week – SAPU IN PICS

Wrzesień 21, 2020 |

Wystawa prac fotograficznych absolwentów Szkoły Artystycznego Projektowania Ubioru w Forum Przestrzenie. 

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Exhibitions on the 9th edition of Cracow Fashion Week

Marzec 4, 2018 |

Cracow Fashion Week is not only the best occasions to take part in the interesting fashion shows. It is also the best opportunity to all people interested in illustration or photography to see unusual works of young artist. Check the exhibitions during the Cracow Fashion Week 2018. 

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Focus on fashion — about the exhibition

Luty 8, 2018 |

It is only the one month to start the Cracow Fashion Week – unusual event which is dedicated to all people who love fashion. And fashion is this kind of discipline which can be mixed with different fields. One of this is photography. Read about the idea of Focus on fashion — exhibition which took place during the two latest edition of Cracow Fashion Week.

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Liza Snook i Amber Ambrose Aurele w SAPU [Cracow Fashion Week]

Kwiecień 10, 2015 |

SAPU odwiedziły Liza Snook i Amber Ambrose Aurele – właścicielka Virtual Shoe Museum oraz projektantka obuwia z Holandii. Wzięły udział w spotkaniu ze studentami SAPU i entuzjastami mody w czasie Cracow Fashion Week 2015.

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