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"Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days" - schedule - KSA

„Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” – schedule

During three days of „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” take place a many workshops, panel discussion, design fairs and also debate and lectures. Participants will have possibility to learn interior photography, get more knowledge about interior design and Visual Merchandising and to talk about designer work.

Most of the event and workshops are in Polish language, but there are some events dedicated also for English speaking audience. More information you can find on Zaprojektowani website and it will be also publish on this blog.

Friday November 24th 2017
I. Lecture
Time: 17:00
Place: Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Zamoyskiego 52, Classroom 1
Admission Free
Aleksandra Nędzi: In the quagmire of regulations…Employment contract with copyright transfer — practical aspects. Registration needed:  CLICK HERE
II. Official opening of the „Zaprojektowani” and opening exhibition „Fotoprzestrzenie”.
Time: 18:00
Place: Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Zamoyskiego 52
Admission Free
III. Lecture
Time: 17:00
Place: Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Zamoyskiego 52, Classroom 1
Enter: You have to fill in form, which will be published online.
18:15 Monika Harłacz: Before you will design the shop. 10 visual merchandising tips which help you create an amazing shop
Registration needed: : CLICK HERE
IV. Discussion panel (in English)
Time: 17:00
Place: Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Zamoyskiego 52, Classroom 1
18:15 Margareth Larmuth: DESIGN BRAIN HACK: A lively panel discussion with design experts on what’s new in design. Panel discussion in English language.
Registration needed: : CLICK HERE
Time: 18:15
Place: Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Zamoyskiego 52, Classroom 1
About the condition of interior designer profession: debate with students and graduates of Interior Design School. “Diploma and what’s next”
Registration needed: CLICK HERE

Saturday 25th of November
Time: 18:15
Place: Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Zamoyskiego 52, Classroom 1
10:30–11:30 PatyNowy: Color change everything. The examples of unusual combinations of colors in classic and modern interiors. Registration needed: CLICK HERE
11:45–12:45 Gosia and Tomek Rygalik masterclass – Registration needed: CLICK HERE
13:00–14:00 Adam Groch:  About the designer profession: implementation processes and cooperation with subcontractors. Registration needed: CLICK HERE
14:15–15:15 Flügger farby, Color trends of 2018 year– paints,  wallpapers, materials.  Registration needed: CLICK HERE


          • 10:00–12:00 Monika Mroczkowska: Photography of interior and architecture from basics / group I, classroom 4 – Registration needed: NO FREE PLACES
          • 12:00–14:00 Monika Mroczkowska: Photography of interior and architecture from basics / group II, classroom 4 – Registration needed: NO FREE PLACES
          • 12:00–14:00 Patynowy: Combination and mixing of colors in interiors / group I, classroom 7 – Registration needed: NO FREE PLACES
          • 14:15–16:15
            Patynowy: Combination and mixing of colors in interrors / group II, classroom 7 – Registration needed: NO FREE PLACES
          • 12:00–14:00 Grzegorz Garcarz: Initial, exlibris, footprints, impritns, textures /group I, classroom 13 – Registration needed: CLICK HERE
          • 14:15–16:15 Grzegorz Garcarz: Initial, exlibris, footprints, impritns, textures /group II, classroom 13 – Registration needed: CLICK HERE


Time: 18:15
Place: International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25

Dr Hubert Bilewicz: Polish design in interwar period

1. All events are free to join in.
2. You have to fill in form online if you want to take part.
3. You have to choose in which event do you want to take part  in and fill in special from.
4. The number of participants is limited. Filling in form is not a guaranty of join in the workshops.
5. Due to the fact of participants limitations the order of applications is the most important.
6. Your registration confirmation will be sent on your e-mail after the check by organiser.
7. The limits of participants are presented in the form.
8. If you want to join photography workshops you have to have your own camera. It is forbiden to use camera in mobile phone.

Sunday November 26th 2017
I. Design fairs. „Zaprojektowani. Krakow meets design”
Hour: 11.00-18.00
Place: Stara Zajezdnia, Wawrzyńca street, 12
Entrance: 5 zł, children below 7 years old for free

Design Fairs is amazing event during which you can meet the polish designers, buy amazing gives and get know better interesting brands and products.
All dogs are welcome, but they have to have muzzle, even if they will be take on hand by their owners. It is neccesary due to the safety of children who will take part in event.

warsztaty Zaprojektowani

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