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Meet "Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days." lecturers - Margaret Larmouth and Monika Harłacz - KSA

Meet „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days.” lecturers – Margaret Larmouth and Monika Harłacz
  • On Listopad 5, 2017

During this edition of „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” you can take part in many workshops and lectures. Get know better our lecturers, read the short biography and check the events in which they will take part.

Margareth Larmought – visual merchandising and design expert

You can meet her on discussion panel titled: DESIGN BRAIN HACK – lively panel disscusion with experts about what’s new in design. More about this event you can read here.


Margareth Larmouth is the expert of many fields connected with design, architecture and store design. Interested in design and new trends in art she not only works as a Visual Merchandising specialist but also as a lecturer. She works for Michelgroup  company and also as an artist and journalist. During her career she took part in many projects which base on creating store spaces.

Margareth Larmouth was also a lecturer during the holiday workshops about creating pop up store spaces. More about this you can read here.

If you want to join her lecture during „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” you have to fill in form. Remember, that the number of place is limited.

Monika Harłacz – owner o the MHSHOWROOM, lecturer, Visual Merchandising expert

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Owner of the MHSHOWROOM, lecturer and author of many publications and of the educational program. Graduate of SAPU Fashion Design School, University of Rzeszów and participator of stylization course in EAS in Łódź. Visual Merchandising and stylist with many years of experience. Author of the educational programs connected with Visual Merchandising, styilization and tendencies. After working as a Visual Merchandising Manager, she became an  owner of her own company named MHSHOWROOM, in which she works in store design area, Visual Merchandising courses, stylization and more.

Monika Harłacz is a lecturer both in Visual Merchandising and SAPU Fashion Design school. During this edition of Zaprojektowani the topic of her lecture will be: „Before you will design the shop. 10 visual merchandising tips which help you create an amazing sales space”.  Registration needed. Fill in form.


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