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Trieste Photo Young 2022: contest for under 30 photographers - KSA

Trieste Photo Young 2022: contest for under 30 photographers

Trieste Photo Days’ free contest for under 30 photographers Trieste Photo Young is back for the second edition! Enter now for free! NEW DEADLINE » 17 July 2022.

Trieste Photo Young: new deadline!
Win 500 € and an exhibition in Trieste

Trieste Photo Young 2022 is promoted by dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations with the support of the Fondazione Pietro Pittini, together with PAG – Progetto Area Giovani (Municipality of Trieste) and Trieste PhotoLab.

The contest aims to discover, support and reward young photographers, offering them a prestigious exhibition space during the ninth edition of international festival Trieste Photo Days, Italy, which will take place over the weekend from 28 to 30 October 2022 and will host international photographers such as Susan Meiselas, Nino Migliori and Shobha. The exhibition will also be open on the weekend from 5 to 6 November.

You can follow the evolution of the contest on the website
where the updated rankings will be published as thejury votes.

Several prizes up for grabs offered by the Fondazione Pietro Pittini:

  • Winner will be awarded with a € 500 Amazon gift card and a personalized trophy
  • The 32 ranked photos in the Round of 32 will be exhibited from 28 to 30 October and 5 and 6 November 2022 in the Trieste Photo Young 2022 collective exhibition at the municipal hall Arturo Fittke

In addition, our partner will offer the semi-finalist: 4 of his Black & White Photography mini-courses.

Sumissions are open until 17 July 2022. Registration is reserved for under-30s and is completely free, as is participation in the exhibition if selected.
Each author may participate with just one photograph: one shot, one chance!


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