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School of Fashion Design - KSA

School of Fashion Design

Being a fashion designer is not only about having a kind of talent. Is also about learning — how to design, how to sew, how to show designs on runway. From more than 25 years in Cracow, many young people have possibility to learn from the best teacher in the School of Fashion Design which is a part of Cracow School of Art and Fashon Design.

Learning fashion design in Cracow

During the 25 years graduates of Cracow School of Art and fashion design achieve many successes. All along their education they are learning designer works from basic things to the hardest one. Fashion illustration, sketching, painting are the basic things which all designer have to know. What is more, students are learning how to show their works in portfolio. What is more, during the each year of studies they take part in fashion shows.

Short video about learing fahsion design in Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design.

Fashion shows during the learning

Paper — that is the first thing which sudents can use to create their designs and show it on runway. The second one is calico. During the next years of education they show their inspiration of different topics recommend by the teachers.

Junk fashion show – the show during which students of the first year of SAPU could show their designs made from paper


Students works show during the Cracow Fashion Week

The last and the most important goal to achieve is to show the collection during the Cracow Fashion Week. Is the well-known, international event which have two parts. During the main part the collection of the students are shown with the collection of special guests. All the diploma collections are noticed by jury. Each year they are looking for the best collection of the year.

Cracow Fashion Week - gala, 6.03 (46 z 198)

Photography from the fashion show during Cracow Fashion Week

Events dedicated to fashion design students

Participation in mentioned fashion shows is not the only one thing which can students do during their studies. They also have a possibility to learn and meet a specialist who worked in fashion from many years. They can learn more about the fashion business and have to be successful in this hard industry.

Learning Fashion in English

What is more important there are two possibilities of learning to fashion — in Polish or English language. It is a great opportunity to all students who want to work in the international fashion companies or are planning to have own brand which will be well-known also international.

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