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Fashion illustration - the exhibition during Craco Fashion Week

Fashion illustration –  exhibition during Cracow Fashion Week

Fashion illustration is not only about sketching a new design or a whole collection. It is also about drawing the fashion shows, campaigns and more. During the last edition of Cracow Fashion Week there was a possibility not only to see the fashion illustration exhibition of works by Elena Ciuprina but also to take part in meeting with her. 

Fashion shows illustrated – exhibition of works by Elena Ciurpina.

Fashion show illustrated was a title of the exhibition which took place during the last edition of Cracow Fashion Week. During this event everyone could have seen amazing works by the graduate of Fashion Design School SAPU – Elena Ciurpina. If you want to get to know her works better you can find more information on her Fanpage or Instagram.

Some photos and short report from the event you can also find on our blog.

Fashion illustration – meeting with illustrator Elena Ciuprina

What is more, during the last edition of Cracow Fashion Week there was a possibility to take part in meeting with the author of amazing illustration – Elena Ciuprina. That was only a one of the many events which took place during the whole week.

Learning of fashion drawing

Learning fashion illustration ant the thins connected with drawing and sketching is a part of education of each young designer in SAPU, Fashion Design School. Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design is also an organizer of the courses of drawing during the winter holidays. More you can read on our website.

Exhibition and workshops during Cracow Fashion Week 2018

Also during this edition of Cracow Fashion Week will be organised some exhibitions, meetings and workshops. If you are interested in taking part in all activities during the Cracow Fashion Week, follow us on Facebook and check the official website of the event. We will soon published the whole information.

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